Energy Independence
Hart Energy's Energy Independence
Hart Energy's Energy Independence is the ultimate guide to the resource play revolution over the last 40 years. Get key perspectives on the evolution of the industry as a whole and where it is headed. You will also discover the outlook for unconventionals and crude oil, learn about the energy industry end game, midstream investments and downstream impacts. There is also an indepth look into the funding sources that have evolved in the oil and gas industry.
ALSO INCLUDED: You will find a folded map which includes North America Production & Forecast, Natural Gas and Crude Pipelines and Shale Basin and Conventional Fields.
Table of Contents
006 | Resource-Play Revolution: How Much Can We Produce?
The resource revolution was led by a group of entrepreneurs and free thinkers who often persevered against steep odds. How did the shale revolution develop and what is in store for the coming years?
038 | Offshore Technology, Innovation Key to Energy Independence
Offshore development and supplies have played a major role.
060 | The Outlook for Crude: Heavy Oil, Heavy Role
Over the long term, heavy oil will be the source of most of the increase in crude supplies.
074 | Four Decades of Dealing and Drilling
Funding sources evolve with the oil and gas industry.
092 | Technological Advances Put Reservoirs in View and in Reach
Visionaries in the last 40 years have given the industry tools to make more informed decisions, access new reservoirs and improve efficiency.
114 | Vast Production Requires Varied Pathways to Market
As production emerges in new parts of the country, billions of dollars in infrastructure is in demand.
142 | 40 Years of Downstream Progress
A historical perspective of the refining and petrochemical industry value chain provides insight on what to expect beyond 2014.
156 | The Revolutionâs Next Step
The North American energy boom gives the U.S. time to transition wisely to a new future, experts say.